Voluntary Bar Association Of Attorneys, Judges, Paralegals, Law Students, And Businesses
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Voluntary Bar Association Of Attorneys, Judges, Paralegals, Law Students, And Businesses
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About the SBBA

The SBBA was founded in the mid 1960’s by a group of local attorneys gathering in a weekly social setting for friendly lunchtime banter. It later declined and went inactive.

It was revived in January 2008 by Kenneth P. Hassett, Esq., (past president 2008-2010) after a thirteen year hiatus. Since, it has prospered into a membership of more than one hundred members throughout the southern region of Broward County. SBBA has emerged as a true grassroots group and It has developed into a long standing, local Voluntary Bar Association (VBA). Like other VBAs, the SBBA places a high focus on professionalism with a heavy emphasis on communication to enhance business opportunity and growth of its members. With the support of our sponsors, we continue to pursue ways to provide value to all of the participants.

Through monthly meetings with judges and other local attorneys in both professional and social settings, we accomplish our goals.  Monthly luncheons are held on the first Thursday of every month at Tropical Acres restaurant at noon.  There is a guest speaker at each luncheon, and CLE credits are available for attendees.  Seminar topics cover a wide range of legal issues, and speakers include numerous circuit and county judges, several 4th DCA judges, the Clerk of the Court, and past and present Chief judges along with several other prominent members of the local legal community.  Our luncheons are always complimentary for sitting judges.

In addition to our monthly luncheons, the SBBA also holds social events for its members.  Events include “Meet and Mingle over Martini’s and Meatballs” at Anthony’s Runway 84, “Painting with a Twist” in Davie, Florida, Holiday Party at The Greek Joint and several wine tasting happy hours including joint bar association events.

We also conduct an Annual Law Day Speech Contest at local schools where 7th grade students prepare a 3-5 minute speech. We bring sitting judges to their school to judge the final round. We provide money scholarships to the top three contest winners and invite them to present their speech in front of a room full of lawyers and judges at our Annual Law Day Luncheon in May.

As the organization continues to grow, we look forward to hosting additional events throughout the year.  Please visit our website at: www.southbrowardbar.org for more information about the organization as well as monthly updates on future events and as a resource to connect with other members and attorneys in the South Broward area.

So, come join us for our lunchtime fun and consistent setting and continue to grow with us by becoming a member and attending all special events. Also, please feel free to contact any board member because the officers and board are the ambassadors of our organization.


The SBBA Board and Officers

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